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Why Your Healthcare Practice Should Have a WordPress Site

Posted by on Nov 12th, 2013 in Design + Digital Marketing + No Comments

One thing we’ve learned from managing sites and running marketing from healthcare practices is that nothing stays the same. New healthcare practitioners join and others leave. Or maybe every few months you run a promotional campaign to draw in new visitors. Whatever these changes are, you want to be able to update your website regularly in order to reflect the current state of affairs. Luckily, WordPress has developed a highly customizable tool that allows you to make change to your website. With a WordPress site you don’t have to call a web developer whenever you want to make changes. Once the developer builds the site for you, it’s just a matter of getting acquainted with the interface before you can make changes yourself.

Here are some benefits of creating a WordPress site:
1. Easy to Build and Customizable – The basic platform that lets you easily edit a website is free. Also note that WordPress is an open-source project, meaning that many developers can make changes to platform and user interface in order to meet their clients’ needs.

2. Update on Your Own Schedule and Terms – In the past, clients had to wait as developers did work based on their schedule and priorities. With WordPress you can avoid the wait and the risk of miscommunication by doing the site changes as you want them and when you want them.

3. Low Maintenance Cost – WordPress allows non-coders to make changes to the site. This means that you no longer have to pay fees that a developer would normally charge for making updates.

4. Robust Platform – WordPress has millions of users and innovative developers. These users will ensure that as technology for accessing information evolves so will the WordPress platform. The mobile revolution is a prime example of the robustness of WordPress. The work of these developers and users has made the transition from desktop sites to mobile sites easy. With the robustness and customization that WordPress allows there is no wonder that even CNN and The New York Times use the platform to manage their content. Give us a call if you are interested in setting up a WordPress site for your healthcare practice.

MD + Co

51 Melcher Street + Suite 130 + Boston, MA 02210
617 . 838 . 9428 + info@mdandcompany.com

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