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Using “WHY?” as a Differentiator in Marketing

Posted by on Nov 12th, 2013 in Branding + Digital Marketing + No Comments

A person searching for a product or a service can usually find a few option that fall within their needs, quality standards and price range. If all these products match the customer’s needs, what is the deciding factor in the customer’s choice? The answer lies in the only differentiating factor, the brand. But when a business owner is asked to explain their brand or represent it on websites or fliers, they are usually at a loss.We have developed one of the best ways in determining what a company’s brand is. It all lies in asking yourself the simple question “Why do I do what I do?”. When the answer to this question is turned into a business’ mission statement, or incorporated into website design, you manage to connect with a customer on a level other businesses probably do not.

When it comes to choosing between companies that offer the same services, customers will end up using intuition and feeling to make the decision. When a customer makes that decision you want them to feel a connection with you. You can’t form much of a connection by just telling them what you offer or even making it easy for them to find out what they need. The connection is rooted in how the person FEELS about you. By telling potential customers why you do what you do, instead of just telling them what you offer, you form a crucial connection on an emotional level. This connection will serve you well when the customer has to make a purchase decision.

MD + Co

51 Melcher Street + Suite 130 + Boston, MA 02210
617 . 838 . 9428 + info@mdandcompany.com

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