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Marketing Strategist

At times it seems difficult to pinpoint what it is that Meir is passionate about, since he brings so much passion to whatever it is he does. This is readily apparent in Meir’s current role as Marketing Specialist at MD + CO. It drives Meir to find new ways to help clients find their target audiences online, whether it’s through AdWords and Bing Ads, Facebook Advertising, or Twitter Advertising.

Meir is also responsible for creating the organizational systems that make MD + CO the efficient, well-oiled machine that it is. His logical and intuitive systems make it easy for everyone to stay on top of the tasks they need to get done and find the files they need.

When Meir is not at work, he’s out and about taking pictures of things that strike his fancy. He also spends a lot of time cooking and thinking about marketing.

MD + Co

51 Melcher Street + Suite 130 + Boston, MA 02210
617 . 838 . 9428 + info@mdandcompany.com

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